Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Year-End Posting

All -
Many thanks to all of you who so generously threw this party for my wife and me last Wednesday. Certainly, your goodness knows no bounds and we will hold these gifts close to our hearts over the ensuing years with this new baby girl. Some photos from the event:

The whole crew:

The artsy Andelins:

A few chic sisters:

Probably a little small for Sam, but a good size for Mark:

One last shot with the gang:
Thank you all for this kindness. You truly don't know how much this meant to both me and to my wife.
Thank you all for an extraordinary year of seminary - I will truly cherish this special time we have had together.
You all have great potential and you all will do great things. Remember that the Lord will require much of you (DyC 82:9-10). Have a great summer and see if you can read the entire Book of Mormon this summer in preparation for next Fall.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Schedule: May 25 - May 29

Brothers and Sisters:

Thanks for another great week - Brother Sherinian has indicated you were all attentive and reverent - thank you.

We'll finish up this outstanding, memorable seminary year somewhat as we began, as follows:

Monday, May 25: No Seminary - Memorial Day
Wednesday, May 27: Lehi's Dream and You

Have a great weekend and be faithful

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Schedule: May 18 - May 22


Our last full week of seminary ends in Armageddon - literally! Brother Sherinian will be with you this week (he's great) while I'm out of town. Here's the sked:

Monday, May 18: Revelation 13-15
Tuesday, May 19: Revelation 16-18
Wednesday, May 20: Revelation 19, 20
Thursday, May 21: Revelation 21, 22
Friday, May 22: Scripture Mastery Throw Down Practice

Get ready for the Scripture Mastery Dance on May 29!! Have a great weekend and be faithful.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Schedule: May 11 - May 15

As we study the Revelation given to St. John the Divine, it is literally the beginning of the end...let's finish strong! To make our study of Revelation even more interesting, I've included this live-action photograph of John receiving the Revelation (pretty cool):
Our schedule this week:

Monday, May 11: Revelation 1
Tuesday, May 12: Revelation 2-5
Wednesday, May 13: Revelation 6-8
Thursday, May 14: Revelation 9-11
Friday, May 15: Scripture Mastery

Have a great weekend and be faithful, brothers and sisters!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Schedule: May 4 - May 8

Brothers and Sisters:

Our schedule for the upcoming week (and can someone make sure Johnny gets a ride? Thanks):

Monday, May 4: 1 John
Tuesday, May 5: 2 John
Wednesday, May 6: 3 John
Thursday, May 7: 4 John...just kidding - Jude

ALSO, I know you're all as pumped as I am for the CES Fireside with Elder David A. Bednar on Sunday evening at 8:00 pm...remember that you can watch it here, here, or here, or, on the BYU Channel at home if you've got it.

Have a great weekend and be faithful.